About Us

Rituals for being human are the intentional practices we embrace to honor the highest within ourselves and others.

This space is dedicated to those committed to uplifting humanity through mindful, purposeful action. We believe in raising global consciousness, fostering inclusion, practicing non-judgment, and championing social justice. Through authentic connection, we create a world rooted in compassion, equity, and collective growth.

Earth Care Thought for the Week

It being Women’s History Month, we look to these women and listen to what they say about Mother Earth:  
My brother the star, my mother the Earth,
My father the sun, my sister the moon
to my life give beauty, to my body give strength,
to my work give goodness, to my house give peace,
to my spirit give truth, to my elders give wisdom.
Nancy Wood, poet and writer

Sonoma County, CA Events

US Holidays
Jewish Holidays
Fee-based event
Free or Donation-based event
Phases of the Moon
Non Spiritual
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